The Benefits of Blogging on Your Website
By blogging on your website, you can see that it makes a massive difference in search visibility, leads and sales. You will have to host your blog on your website, if you host it somewhere else then it eliminates the benefits of blogging. Still unsure whether blog would benefit your business? Here are some of the top benefits!
Increase of Search Engine Traffic
When you blog about your business and the services you offer, there will be keywords that get picked up by search engines, the more keywords you have the higher you will rank on a search engine. Just like if you add more content to your site, more pages from your domain will become indexed in search engines. So, the more blogs you have, the more keywords you have which means you will rank higher.
Showing a Personal Side
Blogging will give your business a way to touch on issues and concerns to your clients, this shows them what you are passionate about. Blog posts will give you a unique opportunity to share your personality, allowing you to build up trust and increasing your brand likeability.
Social Media
It’s also difficult to maintain an active social media presence if you don’t have high-quality content, you need content that will direct clients to your own site. When you share your blog posts you want to increase the traffic to your website, so always link them in your posts.
Conversion Rates
By having a blog, it sends a signal which shows that your business is alive and well! If you can’t update your blog regularly then you might as well not have one as it isn’t benefiting your business, in fact it could be making it worse. A blog with high-quality content will help build brand loyalty which increases your conversion rates.
Increases Leads
A recent study shows that the more pages a site has, the more leads it gets. A business with 401-1000 pages of content will get 6x more leads than 51-100. The more you blog, the more leads you will generate, more content, more sales!