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Update your Website for 2019!

Do you think your website is a bit out of date or not generate good results? Start the new year with a brand-new website! Here are some signs that will tell you whether your website needs upgrading.

Your website is outdated:

Do you still have flash images on your website? Trends in design change every year so if your website has had the same look for the last 5 years then you might want to consider changing it so your website is on top of the trends.

Your website isn’t functional for mobile:

Manu internet users go on their mobiles or tablets, so you need to make sure that your website works on those as well as a normal laptop and desktop computer. Think of how many mobile users you’re turning away just because your website hasn’t been optimized for mobile functionality.

Your website is slow:

Certain elements of your website could be affecting the way your site loads, normally it should only take 2 seconds for a site to completely load when someone clicks on it, but according to a recent study some users can’t wait 2 seconds, so make sure your website is fast.

Your website creates a poor user experience:

User experience is the most important element to any website, if your features aren’t working or your website is too complicated to use then you will be driving customers away. If it’s taking too long for users to find what they want, then they are less likely to return.

Your website isn’t secure:

Your website doesn’t just need to look good or function, it also needs to be 100% secure. If you created your website years ago and haven’t done anything to make it secure, then you’re putting your business as well as your clients at risk. Also, when a customer clicks onto your website, google chrome will tell them that your website isn’t secure. If you need help with making your website safe, we can help!

Your website needs to match your branding:

Your website will definitely need a redesign if your business has been rebranded recently. It needs to reflect the company’s need brand identity and goals. This also applies if you have expanded your services or product lines, as a redesign will help show your visitors the new products you have one offer.

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